

28 pictures of dogs being silly | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs being silly

28 Furreal Funnies Of Silly Doggo Shenanigans That Made Us Wonder, 'What's Wrong With Our Dog?'

Unpredictable pupper problems
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old, hindsight, posts, social media, news, false advertising, history, funny, aged like milk, advertising, incorrect, wrong

20+ Old Posts and Past Declarations That Aged Like Milk

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25 pictures of derpy dogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures of derpy dogs, one picture of text including 'I don’t even know' and one picture of text including '30 minute nap here suggests this is, in fact, comfortable'

A Derpy Diary Of 25 Dorky Doggos Being Good Boys In The Wrong Way

What's wrong with your dog?
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right, wrong, reddit thread, askreddit, reddit, correct, language, concept

27 Things That Were So Wrong, They Became Right

Improvise, adapt, overcome
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twitter, logan paul, twitter reactions, community notes, elon musk, twitter memes, dua lipa, tweets, funny tweets, tweet, funny twitter, twitter discourse, Wrong, owned, funny

Iconic Instances of Community Notes Proving Tweets Wrong

Such a legendary feature
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reddit malicious-compliance contractor money expensive california customer custom client measurement wrong incorrect construction house building

'Trust me, just do it': Contractor scores $12,000 extra on a job because a know-it-all client insists his measurements are accurate; they are not

Clients lie. This is the one thing that is certain for every contractor in every industry. For some reason, know-it-all clients feel like it's some kind of flex to press their hobby knowledge on someone who is literally a professional in that field. In this case, a pushy Californian client was getting his home remodeled and couldn't fight his manly urge to try and teach his contractor a thing or two...
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funny, reddit, askreddit, funny moments, store, restaurant, customers, customer service, wtf, karens, funny story, funny stories, wrong

Redditors Share the Most "Sir, this is a Wendy's" Moments They've Ever Experienced With Customers

This ain't the time or the place
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bad idea, bad, silly, stupid, wrong, incorrect, opinions, dumb, opinion, prediction, predictions, media

Bold and Risky Statements That Eventually Aged Like Milk

Hindsight is truly something
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23 pictures of text and animals | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Font - What do they want? Wrong answers only.', 'Dog', 'Font - Quirky_Butterfly_946 16 hr. ago They look like they are starting an intervention. 4 2.1K ↓ Reply ↑ Share', and 'Font - speedledee 15 hr. ago ● Your drinking is doing us a heckin concern'

Comedic Commenters Write Only Wrong Answers On Guilty Pet Picture in Hilarious Reddit Thread (20+ Ridiculous Responses)

"Do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Savior, the can opener?"
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'I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish': 20+ People who were incorrect about basic information

'I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish': 20+ People who shared their impressively dumb ideas out loud

Truly, how did these people ever make it through school without knowing such basic information? In this incredible post to r/AskReddit, one person asked people to tell them all about the dumbest people i n their lives. And thousands of comments rolled in, sharing hilarious stories of people who made all kinds of goofy mistakes. While some of the people in these stories were children, a decent amount were adults or teenagers. It's really surprising how someone tells you an incorrect random fact…
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confidentally incorrect, confidence, stupid people, dumb, information, wrong, social media

Clueless People Who Are Much Too Convinced They Are Correct

Dumb and dumber
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old people, old people facebook, baby boomers, facebook, funny, mistake, dumb

Clueless Old People Having a Great Time on the Internet

They're trying
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confident, incorrect, mistake, mistakes, right, wrong, embarrassing, facts, stupid people, social media, overconfident

Embarrassing & Amusing Times People Were Confidently Incorrect

Bunch of know-it-alls
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Courrier Kevin will die on the code hill

'I'm telling you, you're wrong': Delivery dingus insists he's at the correct address, while customer swears he is not

This package courier got stuck in a loop of stupidity while he tried to figure out where he was. It can't be easy to be a delivery driver of any kind — dealing with bad customers , traffic, and confusion caused by orders makes this quite the demanding job. But this goofy Kevin in particular is not really cut out for the role! As u/wsele shared to r/StoriesAboutKevin, she had a truly odd encounter with a befuddled delivery dude . She wrote that she placed an order through a courier service , add…
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George Carlin said "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." What real life example have you seen that validates this view?

'He couldn't find any trains going to Hawai'i': 40 People share the moment they realized someone was dumb as a rock

There's billions of people in this world, and they can't all be geniuses. Some don't even have a drop of common sense . You're going to meet many people from all different walks of life and varying educational backgrounds, but sometimes people just say stunning things. Prompted by a famous quote from George Carlin , people shared their stories of the times they realized they were much smarter than the person they were chatting with. These people aren't your average run-of-the-mill dum dums. No,…
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collection of posts about cats being weird | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting in a funny way in a high chair and a cat licking a chair

Funny Cat Pictures That Really Make You Ask 'What's Wrong With Your Cat': Best Of January 2023

There's nothing wrong- they're purrfect
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