Wuddup Cheezburger brethren–I'm Jess Kessenheimer and I'm a writer for the Trending Team over here at the spiciest website on the Internet. Platters of punchlines are brought to you on Memebase, Failblog, ICanHas, Geek Universe, Cheezcake, and Animal Comedy–And I'm the one that's gonna serve it up with a dash of salt.
What makes me qualified to curate such a delectable mix of mishmash and comedy? Welp, you don't spend your life perpetually online without gaining a bit of insider info on the goods. You may hate that I'm a Zillennial (millennizoomer, or whatever you want to call it), but as your purveyor of memes, viral videos, and tiptop tales from the Reddit dungeons, I'm specifically equipped to bring you the very best that the Internet has to offer.
I may be too old to be TikTok famous and too young to own a house, but I'm just the right age to have spent $.99 cents on a ringtone and to watch my Neopet starve, while I'm locked into a snowball dispute on Club Penguin. So as my knees creak and the dial-up tone of my first computer echoes in my ears, step right up and read some of my newest jokes, cultivated in the dark humor corners of my soul. What can I say? I'm just a product of my environment (which has incidentally consisted of a disturbing amount of 'once-in-a-lifetime' events).
Anywho, below are some funnies, some weirds, and some downright dubious trending tidbits from online–go look at 'em!!