

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

People describe the strangest things that happened to them that escape logic. | That_Weird_Girl_107 7h 1 Award hit patch black ice dark going 60mph down highway. At time drove 1 ton cargo van hit guard rail and flipped. Not only did walk away without scratch car drivable and only 30 min late work.

Strangest Occurrences People Can't Logically Explain

Some days are weirder than others.
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A collection of triumphant times that liars were successfully called out. | purplemonkey55· ly worked at fast food joint had someone call during opening shift while were still prepping everything day. He tells he just there and service terrible and his order wrong asked him exactly he came he said about half an hour ago said Oh 's weird, because don't even open another 45 minutes He just hung up without word.

Triumphant Times Liars Got Called Out

Take those lies elsewhere.
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A collection of dumb things people did that made them question their own intelligence | pollypostmormon 2y sitting traffic, and noticed all other lanes were moving while mine hadn't budged an inch craned my neck trying see hold up and finally figured out wasn't lane at all, but had been patiently waiting behind line parked cars.

Times People Questioned Their Own Intelligence

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People describe their wildest butterfly effect situations from small decisions | lulun97 6h 3 4 Awards sent friend secondary school (who had huge crush on message saying happy birthday couple years after left school. Did whole have catch up soon thing, not expecting much. He replied with about Monday saw him Monday coffee. Next month will be our 6th anniversary. Best thing ever happened My friends joke queen escaping friendzone

Craziest Butterfly Effects From People's Small Decisions

The universe works in mysterious ways.
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Walmart employees describe the strangest things they've witnessed while on the job | gigashadow89 6y My favorite guy who came and said lost remote so need new tv asked him if tv broken wasn't, he just lost remote and didn't want bother finding so he wanted new tv showed him our selection universal remotes he responded with "but then l'd have program new tv comes with preprogrammed remote So sold guy 50 inch tv.

Weirdest Things Walmart Employees Witnessed

Walmart is a magnet for the strange.
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AskReddit thread about impactful women that often get overlooked in history | fergi20020 550 points 14 hours ago Anna Connelly invented fire escape 1887 same year, Josephine Cochrane invented dishwasher.

Heroic Women That Deserve More Recognition

Anna Connelly pulling through with the fire escape.
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parents who tried to teach their kids life lessons but it backfired | thumbnail Text - pedantic_dullard 611 points · 2 years ago As good people, we taught our kids that littering isn't nice. As humans, we also let some curse words fly in front of them. We were at our city's 4th of July celebration when the oldest was 4. We were walking around and someone tossed their trash on the ground. Captain Litterbug flew into action, picked up the trash and yelled, "Hey asshole, you dropped this," while t

Parents Who Had Life Lessons They Taught Their Kids Backfire In Their Faces

Parents Who Taught Kids Life Lessons, Which Backfired Badly
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A collection of the creepiest things that night time workers ever witnessed | Xanghanistan 2d Worked as office cleaner before covid, 11-7am as 1- man team. One stormy ass night on phone while working my connection started fade and out All sudden there is just deafeningly loud shriek coming out my phone and power goes out. Even emergency lights remember looking out window 10th and seeing whole industrial park black. Nights make everything creepy

Freakiest Stuff Night Time Workers Witnessed

Hard pass on the graveyard shifts.
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People describe the plot holes that are so big you could drive trucks through them | Trevor-On-Reddit 3d 6 Awards Every Christmas movie where no one believes Santa but then turns out Santa does exist. Like, who did they think putting presents under Christmas tree? If Santa is real then wasn't them.

Plot Holes Big Enough To Drive Trucks Through

Like come on.
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People on Reddit share their "Never Again" moments, marriage, dating ,drinking, drugs, silly stories, funny stories, animals, dog walking, poop | one thing made say never fucking again And why? | Feltch_McAvity 8h 314 Awards Attempting catch my dogs shit bag rather than picking up ground. Seemed like good idea. Dog sharted up my arm. Had long walk back home through my neighborhood covered shit. Never again.

45 'Never Again' Vows Ranging From Silly To Very Serious

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An AskReddit thread about people that actually love their jobs | jarofherb 11h get paid an excessive amount deliver excessively priced appliances extremely excessively well funded occupants Lake Tahoe. Like 90 job is just going on an amazing drive.

People That Love Their Jobs

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People describe their petty yet effective power moves pulled off in the workplace | r/AskMen u/plagueisthedumb 5d Join is most petty but effective power move have done? Good Fucking Question new senior supervisor started at our workplace few months ago and would be working under him as particular zones supervisor 30 so l'm out ordinary supervisor age and looks etc normally its an old boy thats been industry forever see new dude car park and go introduce myself. He looks eye as he's walking

Petty Yet Effective Power Moves Employees Pulled Off

That's one way to go out.
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comebacks | tweet by abby @abbypauline been 7 car accidents this year, y'all can't tell God doesr have plan senpai @jasminsenju Girl sound like he tryna kill u

Clever Comebacks That Deserve A Plaque For Their Spice

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People describe the stupidest things that they had to explain to clueless individuals | ashp10 7h although bendy, aluminum is indeed metal and CANNOT go into microwave

Most Obvious Things That Had To Be Explained To People

Learn a new thing every day.
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Kids with Karens as parents describe their experiences | RonSwansonsOldMan 1d My mom and grandma were both Karens. As kid, going out eat with them embarrassing ice cream too cold and coffee too hot. Reply

Kids Of Karens Describe Their Experiences

Got to be tough.
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People describe various downsides to being an adult in an AskReddit thread | soundecember Award ordering food is actually expensive and parents weren't lying

Total Downsides About Being An Adult

Adulting ain't all it's made out to be.
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