

stupid, stupid memes, stupid people, stupidity, funny, funny memes, funny reddit, reddit, askreddit, reddit thread, human, faith in humanity, humans, stupid human tricks, human moment, real life

'What swear words do you know in Canadian?': 20+ stupid things commenters regrettably said out loud

Blonde moments
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E.T. Memes for Millennial Earthlings That Capture the Suburban Magic From the 80s

E.T. Memes for Millennial Earthlings That Capture the Suburban Magic From the 80s

E.T. phone home
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pareidolia, faces, things with faces, humans, objects, funny, interesting, cute, photos, photography

30 Things With Faces For Pareidolia Obsessives

The design is very human
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28 pictures of dogs and dog owners | Thumbnail includes one picture of a puppy looking at a man and one picture of a dog looking at a woman

A Wholesome Series Of Devoted Doggos Looking Lovingly At Their Humans To Fill Your Heart With Happy Feelings

We don't deserve dogs
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weird strange strange-but-true reddit reddit-thread trending forum odd humanity humans society internet funny hilarious relatable odd

'Do people actually do this?': 25+ Surprising things that strangely actually happen IRL

Spelunking... Y tho
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33 Witty Parenting Memes About the ‘Delights’ of Raising Tiny Humans (September 29, 2023)

33 Witty Parenting Memes About the ‘Delights’ of Raising Tiny Humans (September 29, 2023)

It's not easy but is it worth it? 100%!
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57 Parenting Memes About the Realities of Raising Tiny Little Humans (September 22, 2023)

57 Parenting Memes About the Realities of Raising Tiny Little Humans (September 22, 2023)

Parenthood may not be easy, but it's the adventure of a lifetime
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25 Marriage Memes for Playful Partners Planning to Grow Old Together (August 23, 2023)

25 Marriage Memes for Playful Partners Planning to Grow Old Together (August 23, 2023)

Here for the long-run
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50 Wittiest Parenting Memes Capturing the 'Joys' of Raising Tiny Little Humans (August 17, 2023)

50 Wittiest Parenting Memes Capturing the 'Joys' of Raising Tiny Little Humans (August 17, 2023)

Raising kids is scary... but it gets easier... kinda...
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family, graveyard, life, immortality, funny, quotes, Funny quotes, earth, existential crisis, tombstone, comedy, human, humans

Darkly Comedic Epitaphs to Think About

Have you ever had an existential crisis in your life? One time, maybe, you thought about the fact that you won't always be here, and that freaked you out. Well, that's being a human, buddy. At some point, in some place, in one way or another, we'll pass on through this earthly realm. It's incredibly scary to me, but it's scary for every normal person, so at least we can all bond over the limits of mortality and how we'll plan our funerals. But have you thought about what you may put on your gra…
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18 pictures of dog art and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog', 'Head - B e', and 'Font - jaxon517 5 days ago The personifications of these breeds are all so spot on it's wild'

Someone Asked MidJourney AI To Draw 'Dogs being Human' And The Results Are Incredible (Pictures & Comments)

What would a Dachshund look like?
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'My girlfriend changed me': A Wholesome Reddit Thread of Men Discussing All the Little Things They Love About Women

'My girlfriend changed me': A Wholesome Reddit Thread of Men Discussing All the Little Things They Love About Women

This comment section made us feel so safe and happy :')
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29 pictures and 1 video of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat - domestication of cats 7500 BCE what the **** is that?', 'Textile', and 'Nature - i'm sorry you let it TOUCH you????'

Hissterical Cat Parody Video Unravels The Mystery Of Cat's Domestication By Humans, But From The Cat's Point Of View (Pictures & Video)

Good to know prehistoric cats were just as shady as cats today
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31 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - "Brünnhilde"' and 'Cat'

31 Cats Suffering The Existence Of Being Owned By A Human

We're surrounded by imbeciles
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weird facts WoW wtf creepy humans creepy facts Reddit human nature weird - 19489797

10+ People Share Their Favorite Creepy Facts About Human Nature

Humans are unique creatures. We have upright posture, we lack the thick body hair of most of the mammalian kingdom, and we wear clothing over our (relatively) hairless bodies. While most animals reproduce until they die, we stop about midway through (usually) and enjoy an empty nest if we're lucky. Humans are able to make fire and chit-chat incessantly. While other creatures definitely communicate, they're not talking their friends' ears off until they have violent thoughts. We think. While the…
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11 pictures of catfish, alligators, and text | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Mouth - SCIENCE Scientists In Alabama Just Created Genetically-Modified Catfish With Alligator DNA', 'Font - atpix Welcome to Alabamurassic Park', 'Font - old_wounds_ Can't wait for the Catigator movie', and 'Font - wade_sanchez What could go wrong'

In Stunning Display Of "What Will Humans Do Next", Scientists Successfully Fuse Catfish And Alligators Together

Apparently we learned nothing From Jurassic Park
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