
flat earth

funny times stupid people got school by science | Matihew Wilox DEAR ATHEISTS is cavemen survived asteroid but dinosaurs didn't? Mara Bangs Trick keep safe distance dinosaurs about 65 million years or so seemed do trick | B.o.B Follow @bobati cities background are approx. 16miles apart where is curve please explain this murderedbywords With circumference 24901 miles are looking at curvature around .2 degrees, or little more than 10 feet at 16 miles away. May say curvature is still significantly

Entertaining Times Knowledge Was Dropped on Stupid People

Got 'em.
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Funny trolling thread, flat earth society, @canceric, video game screenshot.

Dude Trolls Flat Earthers With A Video Game Screenshot & Proves They'll Believe Anything

When Twitter user @canceric found himself accepted by a Flat Earth Facebook page, he couldn't resist having fun with its members. The PUBG player decided to take a screenshot while playing the game and posted it to the group as though it were a photo of the Black Sea. He specifically notes the lack of curvature and the Flat Earthers took the bait from there.
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instances of stupidity online

Colossal Dummies Who Outdid Themselves In The Stupid Department

Everyone feels stupid every now and again - especially if you're a rational person with a reasonably sized ego. It could be because you forgot to include an attachment on an important work email. Or maybe because you sent a text to the person you were gossiping about instead of the intended recipient. Or worse? You said yes to what you thought was going to be a chill night - and it ended up being a rager that leaves you cripplingly hungover during an important work presentation. If you are ever…
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A physics professor calmly deconstructs the flat earthers | Let's say don't believe world is round can one prove world is round Pedro Teles, PhD Physics, University Porto (2007) Updated Wed Buy ticket Paris. Say arrive at Charles de Gaulle airport. Take RER B Gare du Nord. At Gare du Nord, switch RER metro and take line 4, direction Mairie de Montrouge. Get off at station Réaumur- Sébastopol now be on Boulevard Sébastopol, take left (or right, depending on where exit Rue Réaumur and walk about 2

Understanding Physics Professor Dismantles Flat Earthers

Checkmate flat earthers.
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Funny pictures from r/insanepeoplefacebook | don't believe air travel s all hoax, along with "space" flight can something weighing 70 tons stay air? Birds fly because they weigh very little. Chickens don't fly because they weigh alot. And so called airplane weighs significantly much more than chicken have never been an airplane, and don't know anyone who has. People who say they have are just shills government who uses small drones weigh less than chickens spray chem trails | THIS IS REAL PHOTO

20 People Who Should Be Banned From Using The Internet

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Crazy facebook and twitter posts from insane people, r/insanepeoplefacebook | person standing behind a crying bald girl Turns out cutting off 15 her hair last time she touched scissors wasn't big enough lesson she cut her bangs AGAIN. So now she's BALD think this time lessons gonna sink little deeper! Never lose good woman without fight Get her pregnant if have too

16 People Who Should Really Have Their Internet Privileges Revoked

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Graham Norton flat earth comedy ridiculous Video comedian - 106338817

Comedian Gives His Opinion On Flat Earthers

He laid the spice on thick.
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Student writes a joke essay about flat earth, and the school takes it way too seriously. | r/tifu Join u/Ausome_Face 22h 1 E 1 TIFU by making my school think flat- Earther and causing an anti-flat-Earth program be put into freshman science curriculum M This actually happened two years ago, but change curriculum came into effect yesterday. Two years ago sophomore high school assigned persuasive essay on whatever topic chose had include cited research my honors English class decided would be fun

Student Writes Joke Essay About Flat Earth, School Takes It Seriously

Must've been some great writing.
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A funny Tumblr post about how flat earth intersected with Tolkien's idea of Middle Earth | S mckitterick philosoverted-deactivated202006 Do ever lie awake wondering heck Gimli knows nervous system is systlin Clearly dwarves have medical knowledge far more advanced than other races. gallusrostromegalus His Majesty Dr. Gimli, son Gloin, Neurosurgeon, M.D. bagginshield gimli trying explain his studies legolas flat-earther

Tumblr Thread: Elves Are Flat Earthers For A Reason

It's just how they operate.
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15 Cringey Flat-Earth Memes That Are Devoid Of Logic | 4mph 60mph 1,040mph centrifugal force | SEA LEVEL NOT SEA CURVE

15 Cringey Flat Earth Memes That Are Devoid Of Logic

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An understanding physics professor calmly dismantles the flat earthers | Let's say don't believe world is round can one prove world is round Pedro Teles, PhD Physics, University Porto Updated Wed Buy ticket Paris. Say arrive at Charles de Gaulle airport. Take RER B Gare du Nord. At Gare du Nord, switch RER metro and take line 4, direction Mairie de Montrouge. Get off at station Réaumur- Sébastopol ll now be on Boulevard Sébastopol, take left or right, depending on where exit

Patient Physics Professor Calmly Dismantles Flat Earthers

Checkmate, flat earthers.
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Funny Memes, Dank Memes, Conspiracy Theory, Dinosaur Earth, Flat Earth, Parody, Satire | astronaut pointing gun at another astronaut in space Wait Dinosaur? Always has been | earth dinosaur's teeth are snowy mountains

'Dinosaur Earth' Meme Account Argues Earth Is Actually Dinosaur-Shaped

Wake Up Sheeple...
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Smart comebacks that brought knowledge | 2degrees 12:14 AM Tweet Kind reminder X chromosome contains 1098 genes Y chromosome has only 78 genes X chromosome is over 5 times larger than Y. Its science. Female are superior. By far. Hence hundreds years chauvinism try suppress her. Goodnight. Replying Onions have more DNA than humans

Ignorant Folks Getting Slammed with Facts

Someone thinks they've done some "research."
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Carl Sagan disproves flat earth theory

Carl Sagan Masterfully Disproves Flat Earthers

Checkmate, flat earthers.
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Meteorologist roasting debunking flat earth

Meteorologist Roasts Flat Earthers In Five Minutes

A swift and brutal roasting.
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A collection of times that flat earthers logic was absolutely ridiculous | Daniel @MyFavsTrash Pearl Harbour had be an inside job, no chance japanese plane could have flown this far 1941. 12/28/16, 3:07 PM South Carolina, USA | fonzworthcutlass athugsdream can't go other way? fonzworthcutlass No earth is flat. This is basic knowledge. johnbrownsbodyy also appreciate logic planes can't fly over land.

Absurd Instances Of Flat Earther Logic

Words fall short.
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