

Your Daily Dose of Vitameme A with These Veggie Funny Dark Green Memes

Your Daily Dose of Vitameme A with These Veggie Funny Dark Green Memes

Time to kick that health kick up a notch!
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'Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I've ever tried': Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter

That tofu can cost
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25+ Vegan Memes for Nutritional Yeast Enthusiasts

Plant based chuckles
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'She was livid': Roommate buys carnivorous plants to get back at annoying vegan roommate

Even vegans will find this funny
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'She was livid': Woman fills apartment with carnivorous plants to spite her vegan roommate

Not all vegans out there subscribe to the stereotype of the intense activists who try to force others into their beliefs. However, as you probably know, there are exceptions. Take the case of a woman who shared an apartment with her vegan roommate. Initially, their relationship was cordial; the OP respected her roommate's dietary choices, and there was no awkward tension between the two. But things quickly did a 180.
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After 3 Years of Absence, Father Returns With an Ultimatum: Switch Child’s Diet to Vegan or See You in Court

After 3 Years of Absence, Father Returns With an Ultimatum: Switch Child’s Diet to Vegan or See You in Court

Ah, co-parenting
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'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

You can't expect everyone around you to do things your way! Look, there are many compromises people need to make as roommates. All parties need to agree to certain rules, like tidying up in shared spaces, doing your dishes, etc. These are all necessary conversations roommates need to have in order to coexist peacefully. Of course, roommates also need to acknowledge and recognize that people have different ways of doing things, and not everyone is going to align on everything all the time. You w…
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'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

A birthday cake is dividing this workplace. That's because of two coworkers who can't see eye to eye about food. People eat all sorts of diets for all sorts of reasons. For example, if you go to the doctor and your cholesterol is high, they might tell you to stop eating eggs. Or if you want to have more vegetables and less red meat, you might start eating fish in place of burgers. Everyone eats in their own unique ways, and has their own specific likes and dislikes. But for some reason, people…
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‘She said I was corrupting our son’: Father buys his son fast food so that the boy can fit in with his friends; vegan wife flips out

Vegans always have to tell everyone they're vegan and they incessantly force their vegan-ness on everyone around them. The Holy Crusade of veganism is a plague of misplaced good-intentions, which is all fun and games until we find families caught in the cross-hairs.
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Update: 'We agreed to play this way': Vegan DND player requests overhaul of game, finds DM's post about her

Update: 'We agreed to play this way': Vegan DND player requests overhaul of game, finds DM's post about her

When this DM made a post about a player's interesting request, they had no idea it would capture the attention of the DND community . Reddit isn't nearly as anonymous as people like to think it is. This DND player, u/EmotionalMacaroon169, tried to make a post on a throwaway account. They shared with the DND community that they were in a conundrum. A new player joined their homebrew game, and since she's a vegan, she wanted the game's world to reflect that. The OP was using a throwaway account s…
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food memes, food, vegetarian, Meat, Restaurant, diet, plants, health, Memes, funny memes, American, culture, cooking, recipe, recipes, eating, vegan, vegetables, fruit, chef

25 Vegetarian Food Memes for Plant-Based Food Lovers

Being a vegetarian isn't easy. You must make appropriate changes to your everyday consumption with any dietary restrictions. In the case of vegetarianism , it means no meat. That's stating the obvious, but until you've stepped into the shoes of a vegetarian, it's difficult to fully realize how limiting that can be. Meat is the norm in so many cultures. With American food, it's near impossible to avoid. Imagine going to a restaurant, perusing the wide variety of the menu, and then realizing you'…
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ask reddit, aita, vegans, burger, vegan memes, reddit story, cheeseburger, Party, grill, dinner, cheeseburgers, vegan, food, reddit thread, Reddit, burgers, hamburger

Dude Tries To Bring His Own Burgers To a Vegan Dinner Party

Talk about a bold party guest
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Kevin believes vegan desserts cancel out non- vegan desserts because "it's made from plants."

'It's made from plants!': Confused Kevin misunderstands diet advice about vegan food

You've got to be cautious about trusting random people online.
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aita, tofu, am i the asshole, aita, potluck, food, reddit thread, vegetarian, reddit, diet, vegan

Vegetarians Freak Out Over Stir-Fried Pork & Tofu Dish at Potluck

'Tofu for me is just an ingredient'
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Do people even listen to what comes out their mouths?

'I forgot I’m not eating dairy': 20+ Food service workers share the strangest things diners have ever said to them

Some diners have absolutely no idea what they want, and they've decided it's their waiters' job to figure it out for them.
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'Have empathy for your #plantbased neighbours': Vegan wants neighbors to cook meat with their windows closed

'Have empathy for your #plantbased neighbours': Vegan wants neighbors to cook meat with their windows closed

This runner would really, really like their neighbors to be a little more understanding, though the neighbors probably think this person is asking too much of them.
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