

work workplace working coworkers worker employees boss bosses manager foreman contractor contractors company business job site blue collar labor laborer saftey osha

'Deal with it': Foreman puts his contractor's health on the line after denying him proper safety equipment on a hazmat-worthy job site

When you're a contractor working on the job, there are a million hazardous things around you. We've all seen Final Destination, we know what the wood chipper, the table saw, and the open electrical wires are capable of… But what about the less obvious hazards at work?
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4 pictures of ride sharing and Lyft, 14 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of two women in a car and one picture of text including 'TotesAwkLol 8 days ago . Ever since I had a male driver tell me "I knew you'd be hot from your picture but wow, you look even better in person," I have wanted a female-only option.'

Lyft Launches New Safety Feature To Slay The Streets Safely, Pairing Women/NonBinary Riders With Similar Drivers

No more catcalling
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women, men, travel, debate, traveling, cruise, safety, door, lock, paranoid, twitter, tiktok, twitter thread, safe, dangerous, health and safety

'Is she a spy giving tips to other spies?': Cautious TikToker demonstrates cruise safety tips, sparks debate about travel safety

Fire hazard central
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'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard

'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard by careless companies

Maybe safety measures seem like common knowledge to us, but lots of companies would rather save a few bucks and let their employees take on the risk. That's why there's OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which doles out punishments for workplaces that don't protect their workers. However, OSHA is very understaffed, and there's a lot that slips through the cracks. Have you ever seen videos of demolition workers who are trying to bring down a building by themselves? They wil…
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dangerous, danger, safe, safety, safety first, advice, interesting, reddit, askreddit, reddit thread, death, living, risk

Myth Busters Talk About All the 'Dangerous' Things That Are Actually Pretty Safe

It's not always life or death
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wildfire fire fires wildfires safety protocol malicious-compliance reddit osha work employee supervisor fired construction

'Over 400 hectares [burned]': Arrogant supervisor pushes his railroad workers to bend the rules on safety protocols; starts a raging wildfire, then gets justly fired for negligence

Some people just want to watch the world burn. But when you're the one guy who's only job is to prevent destruction from consuming the job site, that's exactly what you're trying to avoid. For some supervisors, especially the arrogant kind with a ‘i-can-do-no-wrong' attitude, being the safety guy at a construction site doesn't actually mean anything. They just want to trot around, puff their chest, and tell everyone what to do– even if it's the wrong call.
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50 Wittiest Parenting Memes Capturing the 'Joys' of Raising Tiny Little Humans (August 17, 2023)

50 Wittiest Parenting Memes Capturing the 'Joys' of Raising Tiny Little Humans (August 17, 2023)

Raising kids is scary... but it gets easier... kinda...
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25+ Wholesome Memes for Couples Whose Love Language Is Making Each Other Feel Safe in the Relationship

25+ Wholesome Memes for Couples Whose Love Language Is Making Each Other Feel Safe in the Relationship (August 9, 2023)

It's okay to ask for reassurance
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management supervisor manager employee worker work performance-review safety-protocol pto ppe malicious-compliance reddit company employees workforce

'Supervisor was suspended': Trucker sticks to company's strict (yet inconsistent) safety protocol, risking a nasty performance review to prove a point to management; wins a weekend of PTO and a new pair of boots

Any time you take a stand against your company, it feels like standing up to the elementary school bully. Sure, maybe they had a growth spurt before everybody else, but that doesn't make them the boss of me! However, in the adult world, things are a lot more complicated and it's not as simple as telling the bully that you're going to give them a wedgie in front of the whole class.
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'I know what I’m doing': Stage hand bends safety rules until boss catches him

'I know what I’m doing': Stage hand bends safety rules until boss catches him

Though this guy claimed to know how to do his job, safety wasn't on his list of concerns. That alone should have told his boss that this dude wasn't a good fit for the role. U/rslashcallousheart had a story to share about the time they worked as a stage hand , setting up stages and equipment for music venues. It's quite the hands-on job, requiring the workers to move heavy equipment not just on the ground, but sometimes high off the ground. These things are so heavy that the workers are require…
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official sign, warning, sign, Warning Sign Fails, signs, object label memes, funny memes, safety first, road sign, label, signage, Memes, road signs, warnings, safety, funny signs

27 Warning Sign Memes For Accident Prone Idiots Who Need to be Told How Not to Injure Themselves

This week, I saw a tweet that perfectly encapsulates warning sign discourse. A millennial reposted a boomer meme that said the following: “If you think you are smarter than the previous generation…50 years ago the owners manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.” In response to this take, the millennia l captioned the meme with this. “Counter point: it only says that because the previous generation kept drinking the content…
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15 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog' and 'Font - protect your pets    on independence day'

Tips And Tricks For A Stress-Free 'Freedom Day': 9 Helpful Hints On How To Celebrate Independence Day With Your Pets

Fun for all, four-legged friends too!
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work, employee, dumb, malicious compliance, coworker, management, safety, machinery, reddit

Dumb Dude Flouts Serious Work Safety Rule, Taunts Coworker into Calling Management

What did he expect?
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13 reddit text images

Couple Brings Their Cat To An Off Leash Dog Park, Sparks Debate On Safety

Safety first y'all
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canada, russia, americans, danger, australia, travelling, iraq, north korea, madagascar, america, ukraine, Travel, traveling, american, safety, iran, dangerous

People Discuss The Most Risky Places For Americans to Travel

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the idea of traveling to North Korea. This was obviously before the case of Otto Warmbier, whose death led to the ban on Americans traveling to the country. This was more in the era of The Interview and the widespread fear of Seth Rogan leading to nuclear war. There were so many VICE documentaries that explained North Korean culture, and I watched all of them. I logically knew that traveling to North Korea was not the brightest idea, but I was 14 years old…
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15 pictures of and memes of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - I CAN HAZ DISASTER PREPAREDNESS?' and 'Cat - MAGIC BECIN SORCE FEED'

10 Tips And Tricks On How To Prep Your Pets For The Holidays: Animal Comedy Style

Step one: Scream DON'T PANIC
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