
object label memes

official sign, warning, sign, Warning Sign Fails, signs, object label memes, funny memes, safety first, road sign, label, signage, Memes, road signs, warnings, safety, funny signs

27 Warning Sign Memes For Accident Prone Idiots Who Need to be Told How Not to Injure Themselves

This week, I saw a tweet that perfectly encapsulates warning sign discourse. A millennial reposted a boomer meme that said the following: “If you think you are smarter than the previous generation…50 years ago the owners manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.” In response to this take, the millennia l captioned the meme with this. “Counter point: it only says that because the previous generation kept drinking the content…
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Rage Inducing

Funny classical art meme from ancient Egypt that depicts a guy wrangling a lion, that represents getting up and having your headphone cords get caught on something
Via NothingButReactionGifs
funny memes of soldiers holding up society, white girls instagram | drawing of soldiers covered in blood holding up a piece of earth peaceful and green a couple holding hands. White girls' Instagrams OMG so beautiful Thirsty dudes Absolutely gorgeous! Society People post tutorials on YouTube

'Soldiers Holding Up Society' Memes Hail Our Unsung Heroes

We salute you.
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Funny dank memes entitled, "Man Smacking Cards Down"

'Man Smacking Cards Down' Is The Best Meme About Interrupting

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Funny 'Dimitar Savatinov lifting giant stone' memes

'Dimitar Savatinov Lifting A Massive Boulder' Is A Meme Of Epic Proportions

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Foolproof Conversation-Ruiner

Object-label meme where people playing cards represent "Innocent people just trying to talk" and a guy about to slap his cards down on the table represents "That's what she said"
Via UrBoiNoNo

Gimme That Good Sh*t

Object-label meme where the damn represents "I don't like to gossip" and water coming out of it represents "But..."
Via oddments

Unpopular Opinion

Object-label meme where water coming out of a sink represents "the world's problem" and someone trying to cut the water stream with scissors represents "online petitions"
Via PrincessTrunks

Well This Is Awkward

Renaissance painting where one woman says, "You look tired" and the other says, "I'm just ugly"
Via VulgarPancakes

Every Damn Time

Object-label meme where a guy standing on the side of the road getting sprayed with water represents "Me washing dishes" and the car driving past him represents "a spoon"
Via ascvixen24


Object-label meme where a little girl running represents "everything" and a peacock chasing her represents "the Mongols"
Via Wichelmich
Ryan Reynolds pranked by Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman

Ryan Reynolds Getting Pranked Is Inspiring Some Hilarious Trending Memes

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C'mon MOM

Pic of Hugh Jackman, who represents "My mom at the grocery store" laughing and joking with Jake Gyllenhaal, who represents "Her friend from high school;" Ryan Reynolds, who represents "me" is awkwardly standing in the back
Via doodlydoodledumdum

'Now, The Problem With The Asymptotic Theory Is...'

Political meme where Donald Trump, who represents 'teacher' is lecturing Nancy Pelosi, who represents 'one kid actually trying to learn;' Mike Pence is sitting in a chair sleeping, representing 'everyone else in the class'
Via Flqmingg

Doctors Hate Them

Object-label meme where a dolphin that represents "Apples" is swimming toward a scared-looking kid, who represents "Doctors"
Via goofygoofygoofygooberrock

'Oh Heeyy, Great To See You!'

Object-label meme where a woman sitting at a desk represents "Me," the guy standing in the front of the image represents "Friend I haven't seen in years," and gift he's holding represents "Pyramid scheme"
Via Zergcollective
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