

'Nobody knew it was me': Teenager edits K-pop star's Wikipedia page as a joke, leading numerous internet outlets to promote celebrity's hilarious nickname

'Nobody knew it was me': Teenager edits K-pop star's Wikipedia page as a joke, leading numerous internet outlets to promote celebrity's hilarious nickname

With great power comes great responsibility
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viral tweets and thread about a stingray that got unexpectedly pregnant | thumbnail includes a text exchange 'I need to vent Today 7:52 AM There's a pregnant stingray in NC and there was 0 male stingrays in the enclosure. They think she either self reproduced (sting Jesus) or one of the 2 male sharks in the encounter got her knocked up (shark ray) Hit me Read 8:20 AM' and a tweet 'Hank Green @hankgreen FYI Charlotte the stingray is not pregnant with shark rays (unfortunately impossible)'

Stingray Gets Pregnant With No Males Around, Turns Out She Did Not Get Impregnated By A Shark Or Self-Reproduce, It's Much Weirder Than Both

Much, much weirder than you think
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depths of wikipedia, wikipedia, article, editor, funny, interesting, twitter, twitter thread

20+ Funny & Interesting Editor Notes on Wikipedia Articles

People keep adding the same things
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viral reddit thread about a cat that got poisoned from a flower and other flowers that are dangerous for cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a fluffy cat 'Posted by u/Specialist_Ad340 3 days ago Don't buy lily flowers if you own cats This is kind of an all in one advice/medical question/with cat pictures. Sorry this post might be rambled I'm just very frustrated and sad and scared for my babies. Lillies are EXTREMELY toxic. Just in no one told you. This needs to be made more'

'Don't buy lily flowers if you own cats': And Other Unexpected Plants That Are Dangerous To Your Kitties That Every Cat Owner Should Know About

If you know of any others, spread the word!
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funny, dumb, maps, map, cartography, world, countries, continents, statistics, terrible maps, information

20+ Interesting & Silly Maps That Laugh in the Face of Cartography

Don't consult them for directions
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facts, true facts, fun facts, animal facts, random facts, wtf facts, weird facts, trivia, reddit, reddit thread, askreddit, weird, funny, random, information, informative

'Sharks existed before Saturn's rings did': 20+ Wild fun facts that sound fake

That can't be true
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21 pictures of text and 1 picture of a cat | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and one picture of text including 'Font - My sweet Pattie got let out on accident and now we can't find her): Has anyone had a cat come home after escaping?'

Door Dashers: Helpful Tips For Worried Cat Paw-rents That Have Had A Flighty Feline Escape Through The Backdoor

Here, Mr. Whiskers, here kitty kitty!
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wikipedia, wiki, interesting, funny, cool, screenshots, funny screenshots, information, knowledge

Extracts From Wikipedia That Are Both Charming and Strange

The best website
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27 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat', 'Cat', and 'Font - flowercows 2 days ago I used to have a cat that did the same!! Every time anyone in the house would take a shower she would stand outside and yell like crazy until the person was done showering. I think she thought something horrible was happening to us'

27 Silly Shower Cats And Why They Scream At You While You Willingly Get Yourself Wet (Viral Reddit Thread)

Must protecc da wet hooman
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imgur thread about how to introduce your cat to other animals | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats hugging and a cat staring at a hiding cat 'Now, let’s talk more about introductions.  Not doing proper introductions between animals is probably one of the most common mistakes people make. adrianontherocks'

A Piece Of Advice To Cat Owners: How To Correctly Introduce Your Cat To Other Animals In Your Home

It's impurrtant to know
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20 pictures of text and cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Font - Advice for a Feline newbie?'

Wholesome Wisdom For First-Time Cat Owner Of Fresh Fur Babies (20 Helpful Comments)

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language, languages, linguistics, twitter, twitter thread, foreign languages, facts, information, interesting, different languages, fun facts

Linguists Share Cool Facts About Languages That They Speak

Words are wild
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aww cool dogs adorable pets puppy puppies interesting cute dog video doggos doggo bills information expensive breeds money Video animals - 19994373

Pawesome Dog Video Shows The 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds With Some Curious Contenders (Pictures & Video)

Filing for good boy bankruptcy
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21 pictures of cats and objects | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Head' and 'Vehicle - CAT (81 M 3:38 CAT'

Unusual Cat Species From Around The World - Including All The Rare, Forgotten, And Funny-Looking Ones (21 Cool Cat Pics)

We're entering our "Dad joke" era
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Adorable Animal Info in the Form of 20 Cute Pics for the Aww-ducationally Inclined

Adorable Animal Info in the Form of 20 Cute Pics for the Aww-ducationally Inclined

How is it legal to be this cute
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22 pictures of cats and comments and one video of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - No. Single. Kittens. I get an astounding number of requests from people looking to &', 'Cat - I like to nibble Have you ever had a kitten nibble on your fingers?' and one comment including 'Font - roshkaalzir This is the most useful information I've ever got about kittens biting behavior. Even doctors failed to mention this for me . lv been suffering and my rescued kitten from vet visits, b'

Single Kitten Syndrome: The Answer We've All Been Waiting For About How To Stop Your Cat From Biting

The answer might not be what you think...
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