

28 pictures of cats hiding and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat laying in a drying wrack and one picture of a cat in a metal bowl

28 Times We Hissterically Found Our Cats In Their Purrfectly Inappropriate Hiding Spots

How is that even comfortable?
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songs radio music nostalgic nostalgia tunes raunchy growing-up inappropriate kids parenting parents radio-edit uncensored child children aged-like-milk

'I'l let you lick the lollipop': 15+ Raunchy Songs That People Sang as Kids That Aged Like Milk

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aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/carrot_sloth89 4 hours ago AITA humiliating MIL at family dinner she wouldn't stop going on about grandchildren?

Woman Completely Goes Off On Mother-In-Law Who Keeps Pestering Her To Have Children

We love juicy MIL drama
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting on a skeleton's lap 'The skeleton lives in my car. I had to take him out to fit stuff in my back seat. Came home to this. u/MkChance' and a cat sitting on a plant 'Left her at a friends house for the weekend. She sh*t in her plant within the first 5 minutes u/kindofsam'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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Funny tweets and jokes about Lewd Logo for women's network in australian prime minister's department

Phallic Logo for 'Women's Network' Goes Viral, Inspires Thread of Lewd Design

Ever see a logo that looks incredibly inappropriate and makes you wonder “Did they mean to do that?” These questionable designs come to mind. When the logo is for a chicken restaurant, or even a urologist, we can enjoy a light chuckle and move on with it. But when, say, a logo resembles a phallus, and is promoting a business or initiative that is specifically geared towards women, it's going to cause something of hilarious uproar.
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funny username, reddit, funny, memes, wholesome, irony, lol, username doesn't check out, rimjob_steve, inappropriate, funny comments

Funny Times Heartfelt Messages Came From Unwholesome Sources

The fact that Reddit makes it impossible for its users to change their usernames is both cruel and hilarious. It's fun to think about how all the teenaged trolls in 2005 who chose crass usernames for a laugh are now thirty-somethings making heartfelt points about serious issues from accounts called “I_Like_Boobies_69” and “StinkyButthole420." There are so many examples of funny times the username didn't check out that there's a whole subreddit called r/rimjob_steve dedicated to documenting thes…
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askreddit inappropriate times laugh situation awkward funny | ClaudetteElms 359 points 14 hours ago Sister letting em rip during funeral. She like 8 yrs old tears laughing with my brother and two similar age cousins all had get up and leave.

People Admit The Most Highly Inappropriate Times They Laughed

The more awkward the situation the funnier it is
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sexy times, sex, nsfw, cringe, gross, reddit, twitter, facebook, funny comments, oversharing, no one cares, inappropriate, funny reviews, funny, facebook, tmi | just had sex NOT WITH CAT WHY DID SCREENSHOT | Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemin ant ma hterlite O SYRACUSE.COM 2 MIN READ Great-grandson Syracuse's Aunt Jemima angry at her removal This is an injustice Ton Enn and my last girlfriend did some really kinky shit with pancake syrup. Just sayin 4h Like Reply

20+ Cringey Times People Overshared When No One Asked

We get it, you have sex.
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Woman Calls Her Sister A 'Homerecker' When Her Therapist Leaves His Wife For Her| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Mysisterissue 8 hours ago AITA For not going to my sisters wedding because she got with her fiancé when he was in a relationship?

Woman Calls Her Sister A 'Homerecker' When Her Therapist Leaves His Wife For Her

Talk about an abuse of power
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Things women do that make men uncomfortable | thumbnail text - Mycroft_Cadburry · 3h Women who say "all men are trash."

Things Women Do That Unintentionally Make Men Uncomfortable

Who knew
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cringey and inappropriate messages people received in their DMs | thumbnail text - VIEW PROFILE 4:31 PM Could I put pasta on you and eat it off your body? ( just kidding Hi im Kevin Hi there. How are you? Today 9:44 AM No response is pretty disappointing. From reading your profile I was actually excited to talk to you Hey sorry about that Phil! I check this once or twice a week because I try not to be super involved with social media Sent Well l'd prefer you be super involved with me and this tr

Cringy And Inappropriate Messages People Received In Their DMs

How to never get a date, 101
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judge aita annoying sisters Misogyny inappropriate feminism family Reddit women brothers - 14310917

Girl Gets Chastised For Wearing 'Revealing' Pajama's Near Younger Brothers' Friends

Surprise surprise: A woman gets objectified in her own home
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funny, dumb t shirts

Ironic, Stupid and Wonderful Shirts

There will always be room for an "I'm with stupid."
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Man's coworker calls herself his work wife, and then proceeds to get booted from the baby shower.

Man's Coworker Calls Herself His Work Wife, Gets Booted From Baby Shower

Oh yeah, she had to go.
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memes, reddit, funny memes, dirty, wholesome, inappropriate, sentimental, aww, funny, username, juxtaposition, funny tweets, twitter memes, funny comments, youtube, irony, sexual | FuckMelnTheAssDaddy 3h 1 Award Also, friendly reminder are human, not tool, and purpose is not be "useful exist and is enough justification existence. Reply 284 greycubed 2h 1 Award Wholesome as always, FuckMelnTheAssDaddy. | Fart_McFart_Fart 7h Tell her rooting her. Reply 85 TashInAwe 7h Just told her "Honey, Fart Mc

Sincere & Heartfelt Messages From Obscene Usernames

Unlikely internet moments of wholesomeness
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people share screenshots of customer service reps flirting with them on Twitter | O p r lme Thank you :) You are very sweet and I must say you have a very lovely name Its okay! Have you found anything on the parcel sorry im kind of in a rush roxana Rup eSh I Custom" Service Good news is that Seller will contact you within 24 hours with an update and order should be delivered to you On priority. rite a message.. Not the amazon customer service guy legit flirting with me LOOOOL orie Send Do

Times People's Customer Service Reps Flirted With Them

People Tweet Customer Service Reps Getting Flirty
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