

Guy ends up beating a Craigslist scammer at their own game | r/ProRevenge u/Oregonlost Beat craigslist scammer at his own game. So hunting rental house valentines day weekend and wasn't finding much, so popped into local Craigslist page and found place at decent but very believable price. No contact info or website, so T emailed through Craigslist relay, everything sounds legit up until he asks pay using

Guy Beats Craigslist Scammer At Their Own Game

Too easy.
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hard boiled egg peeling cooking hack

Hard Boiled Egg Peeling Method Actually Works

This could change the game.
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interesting intriguing and curious videos photos pics and pictures awesome wow today i learned art graffiti history | Posted by u/Wolfdijon 6 days ago 10 2710 39 6 More Ir/ALL This bald eagle few years apart, showing difference between juvenile and sub-adult plumage

Interesting Pics And Vids To Add Enrichment For Your Enclosure

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TV gets damaged in transit, so company proceeds to lose millions | r/ProRevenge Join u/Champion5 3y Damage my TV transit and deny claim? No more shipments Not sure if this is "Pro" quality but some have asked post this here since they think is. 10 years ago moved my job had forgot about one my TV's back home and asked my dad ship on my companies account since they paid my move couple days later delivery driver Shipping Company drops off box heavily damaged so didn't sign He waited while

TV Gets Damaged In Transit, Company Loses Millions

Should've just coughed up that money.
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AskReddit thread about impactful women that often get overlooked in history | fergi20020 550 points 14 hours ago Anna Connelly invented fire escape 1887 same year, Josephine Cochrane invented dishwasher.

Heroic Women That Deserve More Recognition

Anna Connelly pulling through with the fire escape.
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A road rager picks on a motorcycle driver, driver takes petty revenge | r/pettyrevenge Join u/Fluffy-Designer Small motorbike vs small waves pinky finger should preface this by saying raised by narcissist and extremely passive-aggressive as result. Years ago bought my first motorbike tiny 125CC bike with my 82kg body weight, could barely do 90km/h on flat road and would lose speed going up hills despite revving as hard as could my first motorbike and loved her with my whole heart.

Road Rager Picks On Motorcycle, Rider Gets Revenge

That dude achieved a whole new shade of rage purple.
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A blessed Tumblr post about how adorable wolves are | thewugtest if youve never physically been presence like real live wolf, and probably wont get chance heres some stuff about them should know wolf's fur is so unbelievably thick can get like whole hand into while petting. and then can keep going

Blessed Tumblr Post On Wolves

Wonder if this applies to direwolves.
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Employee decides to play their aces after being confronted by their company | r/MaliciousCompliance u/technos All getting is half hour, tops. L Years ago one my employer's clients decided set up new office Fort Wayne, Indiana, and got chosen spend three weeks there getting new space set up. Also chosen job guy another division's Chicago office, Dave.

Employee Plays Their Aces When Confronted By Company

Dave ended up being a gem.
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Neighbors try to steal family's cat, so family sings, cat tears up neighbor's furniture | r/pettyrevenge u/Frogfins Steal our cat Get ready can-can This happened few years back but recent post about OP trying justify stealing their neighbours cat reminded little background on cat, Romeo born our house and lived with his mother and siblings. He also had heart murmur which manageable but required daily medication

Neighbor Tries To Steal Family's Cat, Family Gets Cat Back By Singing

Romeo sounds like an awesome cat.
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A funny Tumblr post about how kids should be able to play with Barbies and toy trucks | fallen-angel-with--shotgun went Renaissance faire dressed as warrior. Thad real sword with too standing character) next sword-fighting ring, where kids all ages got chance pick up sword and challenge champion. Some woman walks by, with her little girl girl starts walking towards ring, saying she wants fight. But mom pulled her away hella sharply, and like s boys.

Tumblr Thread: Anyone Can Be A Formidable Foe

This is so true.
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Human ends up befriending a cat that doesn't meow. | sailorcuba Follow purest form serotonin is cat looks at u and u go like and meows at u moderngargoyle Follow like is very unspecific response still have no idea want but l applaud adorably meowed all same, well done moderngargoyle Follow This post led reminisce on nature cat's meowing, and have funny story befriended feral cat once who had spent her life forest without human

Tumblr Thread: Human Befriends Cat That Doesn't Meow

Cats are awesome.
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An impatient driver ends up getting instant karma after speeding past other driver | r/pettyrevenge Join u/is_it_corona_time Want YEET past over double yellow line? Enjoy ticket! Please excuse formatting, l'm on mobile community live has speed limit 25mph also has connecting street another dev which leads main road, so people tend cut through my neighborhood get there. Many drivers enjoy speeding through streets rather than following speed limit local police department therefore

Impatient Driver Gets Instant Karma

Feel good story of the summer.
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A smug roommate refuses to pay their rent, so they get defeated in court | r/ProRevenge u/Drumhedd 173d Join 1 won't pay rent? Good luck finding new apartment. So this happened about 10 years ago big city on West Coast Hopefully this counts as pro revenge had just finished grad school and looking way cut down on rent an already expensive rental market. Now, mind young, desperate, and inexperienced with roommates at time and this huge life lesson and hopefully my roommate too.

Roommate Refuses To Pay Rent, Gets Schooled In Court

That's the end of the smug smirks.
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12 years old terrarium cool video

Life Inside Of A 12-Year-Old Terrarium

Pretty stunning stuff.
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Guy feeds the crows, so the crows get back at bully neighbors for him | r/pettyrevenge u/tempthethrowaway Feathered Friends High Places Not sure if this belongs here, so let know ok? TL;DR: Had issues with neighbor over parking. Local crows l'd made friends with vandalized his cars retaliation. So background day moved into this apartment complex our across hall neighbors started bullying us. Why parked handicap spot next sidewalk building. Why handicapped.

Guy Feeds Crows, Crows Get Back At Bully Neighbors For Him

Crows can be awesome.
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skinny guy can lift an impressive weight by himself

Skinny Man Can Carry Multiple Gallons Of Water At Once

My back hurts just watching this.
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