Through Briana's passion and talent for words, she crafts creative and literary pieces for Cheezburger's feminine brand, Cheezcake. As content editor, she uses both comedy and tragedy to channel engaging stories about love, relationships, and dating in the everchanging internet world.
Born and raised in sunny California, Briana sees the world through rose-colored glasses, helping her to laugh along with the throes of life and connect her to hilarious internet culture. As a millennial, her early experiences of internet culture came in the form of the erratic and eccentric early YouTube videos such as "Charlie the Unicorn," and "Kelly" videos. Growing up without too much technology compared to kids today was an interesting start for someone whose job it is now to write about up and coming internet culture, but this predication of pureness was exactly the right recipe to see everything through a unique and different lens. A lens that's helped her understand the internet's ecosystem from an outside perspective. They said you can't teach a dog new tricks, but they were wrong!