Hey there! I’m Etai, a content writer at Cheezburger, and like most 90s kids, my parents were secondary caretakers to a child who was raised by the internet.
When I was in 4th grade I was introduced to heavier genres of rock music while at a friend’s house by her older brother. Without the internet, I might have forgotten about it or at most - asked my parents to buy me a CD, but with the powers of the early Web 2.0 at my fingertips, I immediately immersed myself into a cultural world that has since been my home.
From band websites, community forums, and correspondence asking like-minded strangers for recommendations like: "I really like X, does anyone know anything similar?” - Endless wandering in search of the roots of the music, the culture around it, and other materials to listen to. I actively explored, connected, and assimilated from the room in my parents' home - an entire culture I had never known before in the real world. And honestly, I kinda miss that old internet.
Today, I’m mostly preoccupied with philosophy, as well as media, politics, fashion, and obviously Rock ‘n’ Roll, along with other music genres.
I’ll soon be completing my M.A. in Philosophy, Science, and Digital Culture, and so when I’m not writing about memes on the internet, I’m writing papers about the internet.