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mooch mooching in-laws restaurant splitting the bill check bills restaurant pay server paying payback family families stories story reddit revenge

Mooching in-laws order luxurious meals expecting everyone to 'split the bill evenly', earning a free serving of petty revenge at the next birthday dinner: 'Never splitting the bill again'

When you're with a big group at a restaurant it seems like the moment everyone decides to ‘split the bill evenly’, the group is divided into two camps. Half of the group insists on being frugal and ordering responsibly, while the other half of the group acts like wild banshee children racing through a candy store with $100 bill.
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plant plants relatable garden hobby hobbies gardening planting gardener green thumb plant parents spring meme memes funny humor

41 Flourishing Memes for Plant Parents Gushing Over Their Latest Pothos Propagation

Horticulture humor
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30 Tenacious Memes For Mothers Enduring Their Toddler's Terrible Twos

30 Tenacious Memes For Mothers Enduring Their Toddler's Terrible Twos

Embracing The Terrible Twos Era
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27 pictures of dogs being held and 2 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes three pictures of dogs being held by humans

28 Perfectly Silly Puppers Sentenced to Two Doggo Decimals of "Air Jail" for Being Derpy and Other Howlarious Crimes

Do the crime, serve the time
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36 Star Trek Memes for Brave Trekkies Following the Prime Directive

36 Star Trek Memes for Brave Trekkies Following the Prime Directive

Red alert - Borg.
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Feline pawrent tries to scam cat into cuddles video | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat looking up at its parent ‘and take you straight to cat jail’, the other image shows a cat looking to the side ‘It happened to Leo the other day’

Feline Pawrent Tries To Scam Their Fur Baby Into Cuddling With Them On Caturday (Video)

Sometimes you’ve just gotta manipulate them…
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weekend memes Joy employee celebrate job relatable memes work memes workweek work funny memes Office friday memes workplace - 25665029

26 Memes to Celebrate the End of the Workweek

you did it
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customer service, ask reddit, workplace stories, jobs, on the job, work stories, job, work, customers, working, askreddit, reddit story, customer, not my job, workplace

'Your kid needs a bath like yesterday': Workers share things they aren't allowed to tell customers at their job

Some things are best left unsaid
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‘I’m taking my money back’: Woman Lends Her Sister Money to Buy a Car, Then Finds Out Parents Bought Her a New Jeep

‘I’m taking my money back’: Woman Lends Her Sister Money to Buy a Car, Then Finds Out Parents Bought Her a New Jeep

An 18 year old with a new jeep sounds totally reasonable
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32 animal memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of a horse including 'When someone tells me to do something that i was already gonna do. Well now I'm not doing it' and one meme including 'NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC.COM Extremely rare white cougar highlights a quirk of the species Like att Barnette 17 Comments Comment Can't be rare. The targeted ads say there are white cougars in my area waiting to meet me.'

32 Amoosing Animal Memes to Fuel Your Weekend Fun and Escape the Office Grind

Leave your work woes behind and embrace the weekend with open arms
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31 memes about star wars | thumbnail includes two pictures of star wars memes

31 Star Wars Memes for Lightsaber-Wielding Geeks (April 25, 2024)

Come to the dark side - We have memes
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23 cat pictures| Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'cat' and 'cat'

23 Purrfectly Pawsome Felines Spreading Caturday Charm For A Day Full Of Meow Magic

Adding feline fun to the day
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'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

Customer support agents are frequently treated like private-sector workers, as though they must get the blessing of the client before proceeding with their day. This makes the job extremely unpleasant. However, what would you do if an aggressive customer visited your establishment with the express intent of disobeying the safety rules that were set in place to protect the public? Would you rather they learned their lesson the hard way or would you try to stop them from doing something that coul…
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memes, funny memes, meme, dank memes, cat memes, random memes, animal memes, relatable memes, twitter memes, dog memes, funny, funny twitter, funny tweets, absurd, silly, gen z, zoomer, locking in

34 Memes for When You Need to Lock In

It's locking in season
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32 Hilarious Motherhood Memes That Nail the Chaotic Joys of Raising Tiny Humans (April 26, 2024)

32 Hilarious Motherhood Memes That Nail the Chaotic Joys of Raising Tiny Humans (April 26, 2024)

Running after your kids all day is better than a gym membership anyway
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