

management, ask reddit, workplace stories reddit, toxic manager, manager, lame, work, losers, askreddit, horrible management, no life, loser, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, uncool

People Share Signs That Somebody is a Loser

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single mother single-mother slacker lazy work employee coworker manager workplace reddit antiwork entitled entitled-people work-ethic excuse lame hr

'She demanded I hire her, but I refused': HR tries to dump a slacker employee on a hard-working manager; they get denied even after they try to pull the 'single mother' card

Slacker people like to hide behind their perceived shortcomings in order to validate their lack of work ethic. The biggest problem with that is that they are immediately discrediting other hard working folks in the same situation, while making themselves a pity case for everyone around them. In this story, one slacker employee found refuge in her workplace by playing the ‘single mother' card, using the same excuse for every one of her deficiencies as an employee and a coworker.
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boss bonus employees company corporate coworkers colleagues cheap lame lousy workplace drama reddit antiwork working burn-out

'Boss, it's only $100/month': Company offers a skimpy 'bonus' to employees in exchange for 24/7 availability and 12 hour work days

Bonuses are meant to be a congratulatory sprinkle of cash that comes as a gift from your company. It's on top of your regularly scheduled salary and it's how a business says “thank you” to their hardworking employees, but a lot of companies forget that, turning a bonus into some kind of leverage over the office minions.
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popular trends that went away | Emotional-Fruit 18.9k points 2 days ago Cup stacking all about? AllUrFail 7.1k points 2 days ago Holy shit forgot about Our school made us do cup stacking gym few weeks.

Huge Trends No One Talks About Anymore

So many Livestrong bracelets.
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Stupid ways people got an injury | alyssaoftheeast 1.2k points 3 days ago got paper cut on my foot by walking past an open book

Stupid Ways People Injured Themselves

Sometimes getting an injury isn't even cool.
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hilarious justin bieber lame lesbians - 4823355392
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I'm a Mermaid

beetle crying lame prefix regret - 4441039104

I'm a Mermaid

beetle crying lame prefix regret - 4441039104

Tattle at the Small Cost of Your Dignity and Health of Your Local Business!

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Created by thedwarfer

Tattle at the Small Cost of Your Dignity and Health of Your Local Business!

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Created by thedwarfer

That's Just Damn Silly

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Apply Cold Water to Burned Area

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Created by Unknown

Apply Cold Water to Burned Area

lyrics hip hop rap lame - 6966546944
Created by Unknown

The Gender Gaps

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Created by marcus_r111

The Gender Gaps

gender lame fml female - 4866151424
Created by marcus_r111

Mutiverse blues

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Created by grofyo
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