

Babies, aita, baby names, crazy things parents say, stanford, parenting, names, Ivy League, Yale, reddit thread, Reddit, name, Parenting Fail, college, harvard, Parenting FAILS

High-Achieving Mom Names Her Kids 'Stanford' and 'Yale,' Is Too Stupid To Understand Why That's a Bad Idea

It's a win-win! They won't go to Stanford or Yale, and they'll get bullied!
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aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole. Posted by 3 u/Mechanical-Walrus-57 6 hours ago AITA for telling my date that he shouldn't call himself a Harvard alumnus?

Man Who Lies About Being A Harvard Alumnus In Dating App Bio Matches With Actual Harvard Grad, First Date Drama Ensues

Caught red-handed
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Forbidden Knowledge

For the asteroid hitting Earth we all just need to hold paper on top of the Earth paper beats rock Harvard wants to know your location
Via u/xvmir

Def Gonna Try This Out

Tweet that reads, "Met a bunch of guys from Harvard yesterday and I kept pretending like I never heard of that school just to piss them of them legit turned red when said, 'Harvard? Is that like a local community college?'"
Via Nobodylook
sweatpantsgate memes

#SweatPantsGate Is The Latest Internet Scandal And It's Inspiring Some Superb Reaction Memes

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We Need You

Funny meme about Harvard.
Via dankmemesgang

Completely Baffled About the Superturd

twitter trolling harvard - 8798666752
Via shutupmikeginn

Completely Baffled About the Superturd

twitter trolling harvard - 8798666752
Via shutupmikeginn

Completely Baffled About the Superturd

twitter trolling harvard - 8798666752
Via shutupmikeginn

JK Guys

harvard law football harvard - 8277089280

Did Harvard Reject the Best College Application Ever?

I really want to hear that mix tape
Via ArexRang

Did Harvard Reject the Best College Application Ever?

I really want to hear that mix tape
Via ArexRang

Harvard Rejection Letters Are Rough


Pwned With Placards

harvard - 8437890048

Harvard Has Some Really Nerdy Signs

nerds math funny harvard - 8384805376
Via T916

Harvard Has Some Really Nerdy Signs

nerds math funny harvard - 8384805376
Via T916
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