

asian emergency firefighters FAIL australia smelly fire department evacuation fruit - 5482501

Pungent Fruit Mistaken for Gas Leak Causes 500 to Evacuate Melbourne Library

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This Office is Prepared For Anything

evacuation post it monday thru friday sign g rated - 8400134912
Via Runninlovr14

This Office is Prepared For Anything

evacuation post it monday thru friday sign g rated - 8400134912
Via Runninlovr14

Sounds Like a Plan

monday thru friday plan monty python evacuation g rated - 8368203264
Via Pleated Jeans

Sounds Like a Plan

monday thru friday plan monty python evacuation g rated - 8368203264
Via Pleated Jeans

Safety First

monday thru friday door work map evacuation g rated - 8121789952
Via Lawlcat

Safety First

monday thru friday door work map evacuation g rated - 8121789952
Via Lawlcat

Through Street FAIL

contradiction dead end evacuation failboat g rated irony road signs signs - 4802033152
See all captions Created by CaliforniaSlim

Let's Make This Interesting

emergency evacuation fire it - 4531505408
Created by HoratioVitero

Let's Make This Interesting

emergency evacuation fire it - 4531505408
Created by HoratioVitero

Evacuation Plan

evacuation note plan signs - 4272567552
Created by Fibi.Noels

Evacuation Plan

evacuation note plan signs - 4272567552
Created by Fibi.Noels

Youll Never Have Another Evacuation Plan

awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank cubicle rage decoration depressing dickheads ergonomics evacuation hardware lazy osha paper signs pwned Sad safety sass screw you signage Terrifying wiseass work smarter not harder - 3677293056

Youll Never Have Another Evacuation Plan

awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank cubicle rage decoration depressing dickheads ergonomics evacuation hardware lazy osha paper signs pwned Sad safety sass screw you signage Terrifying wiseass work smarter not harder - 3677293056

Evacuation fail

emergency evacuation fast g rated plan run signs - 2227190016